Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Finally in Catania!

Well we are finally here! We arrive about a week ago in this beautiful little (600,000) city on the island of Sicily. We have been really busy! We had previuosly found an apartment and moved in to our new home only to find that we lacked quite a few things. You never really think much about forks and pots until you go to cook and you dont have any. Its been a fun and exciting week all the same. Alot has happened. We have been spending alot of time with the brothers and sisters here in Catania and it has been intereting to say the least. Quite a few (surprisingly) speak english and so its been great for Kristin to get to talk and relate to quite a few of them. On a GREAT note, weve had two baptisms since weve arrived! We are obviously are excited for these new brother and sister. Both have been studying for a while and just happened to make the decision during our first week here so that we could share in it with them. Last night we were out until 1 am with the new brother eating pizza and simply enjoying our new life here in Catania. There is so much work to be done! Im sorry if this post is a little short but we still dont have internet in our house. Still trying to work out all of the bugs. On a side note, 70 men where arrested across our city last night in a Mafia sting. Hopefully this will continue to cripple the Mafia and its work here in Sicily. I never really new how alive it still was until i moved here. Hope all is well. God bless!
Brandon and Kristin